Innovation and research

The technical office and the test laboratory

All our highly technological solutions are able to anticipate and address the needs of glassworks, installers, designers, interior decorators. Not only that: thanks to our laboratory and a specialised engineering team, we design and produce entirely customised solutions. The skills and expertise of our professional staff allow us to provide a high level technical consultancy and to hold training courses for our customers.

Since 2010 the company has been working in close synergy with several universities and research institutes for the creation and the constant improvement of an internal testing laboratory. Today, we can count on highly engineered machinery for a series of verification techniques dedicated to glazed structures and fixing accessories. This allows the company to be very quick and efficient for first testing and performance assessment of prototypes and early production samples. Following these internal assessments, tests are then carried out by independent international institutes such as TÜV, CSTB in Paris, LSL in Munich, Politecnico di Milano as assurance of quality for customers.


Quality's circle

All our highly technological solutions are able to address the needs of glassworks, installers, designers, interior decorators.
Not only that: thanks to our laboratory and a specialised engineering team, we design and produce entirely customised solutions. The skills and expertise of our professional staff allow us to provide a constant and high level technical consultancy and to hold training courses for our customers.
In 2010 Logli Massimo, in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence established the L.I.S.VET: Laboratory of Engineering of Glass Structures. A real laboratory equipped with machinery for experimental verification of glazed structures and fixing accessories. The tests are not carried out only within the company, but also at the most important accredited bodies. The tests carried out at Istituto Giordano, TÜV Italia, CSTB Paris and LSL Monaco represent an assurance of quality for customers.


Quality's circle